H-Care Medical Profile History Project

Dear Everyone , 

H-Care Is a health care project had been created in Innove Egypt camp which is provided by TIEC

That Was one of best camps i had ever been in totally professional  and well organized by all instructors and innove egypt members , 

So H-Care was our project and we are so happy to publish article about it 

first we would to thank everyone who had helped us to find that solution and motivate us to think in innovative technical solution , 


           H-Care is Cross platform services which help everyone to save his medical records and that is the details of the project 

Team members  :

Mohamed Fathi Mohamed Razzk
Mohamed Al Ansary
Donia Mahmoud AboStet
Mennatullah khaled Mohamed
Alzahraa Mohamed Mahmoud
Amira Emad Elsayed
Mohy Adel Eid
Noura Islam Ahmed

-The Problem

Medical Profile History , He need to record all his medical analysis , scans and prescription .
We are going to save all user data to be available anytime he wanna to access it digitally or wanna to send it to any one

The Solution

The idea to develop website and mobile application to can access and see all your medical data , online platform to save your medical data

The User

Patient , Athletics  , People  .
 Users : Patient , Athletics , People , Doctors , Hospitals
Buyers : Doctors , Hospitals , Patient
Most important user : Patient

Value Proposition

Health Care
Hospital Recommendation
High Performance
Availability for all electronic platforms 

So we are happy to be part of that communitte innove egypt student ,
Thanks to Everyone 
       Thanks to our instructors 
          Thanks to innovEgypt 
       Thanks to TIEC 
